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Living in the Shoes of a Woman

Being a woman is one thing. One important thing of initially two things. However, living in a global patriarchal dominance makes one thing dominant of another. A lifetime struggle of women resilience for being the one thing they are Women.

All the resilience of being a woman is another ONE thing. For being a Muslim woman is another thing. Being a Muslim woman living in an Occupied Land is a totally another thing. What if you add divorce to this?

Being a Woman, a Moslem, a Palestinian and Divorced … makes the introduction to living in my shoes…

Living in a Shoe of a Woman.

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اكتشاف المزيد من نادية حرحش

اشترك الآن للاستمرار في القراءة والحصول على حق الوصول إلى الأرشيف الكامل.

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